What an exciting moment! I’m actually posting my first blog post on my own blog!
This post has been a long time in coming. I originally wrote it over a year ago when I was getting ready to launch my blog the first time, when it crashed for unexplained reasons… and then after many months when we were finally getting it up and running again, it was hacked, and we couldn’t access it. I said to my husband, “This almost feels like a joke!” I don’t know if others have experienced trouble getting their blogs up and going, but for me it’s felt like one obstacle after another. And in each of those, the Lord has given me yet another opportunity to return to the “why” behind this blog.
To be very honest, I fought against the internal desire to start a blog for quite some time. Everyone is starting a blog these days. I’m pretty sure I don’t have anything new to offer that isn’t already being said. That’s when I realized, it actually isn’t new truth I want to write about here. I don’t want to share things that are based in my own opinions, my own sense of right and wrong. I want to share truth that has been around since the beginning of time–before the beginning of time. Truth that is based in an all-wise, all-loving, all-powerful Creator. What I really love to write about is how those beautiful, grand truths of the gospel transform the everyday moments of life.
So, my goal in this space isn’t necessarily to write anything that is new, edgy, or revolutionary. Everything you read from my hand may be something you already know. But what I want to do is simply this: to encourage all those who read this blog that you can thrive in Jesus in every season and facet of your life. I desire others to know that Jesus truly changes everything–that the Gospel is for every moment of life, whether standing in front of thousands of people or standing in front of a sink of dishes. I want others to know that living in loving obedience to Jesus is by far the most rewarding, beautiful, exciting, and fulfilling way to live.
I’m thankful and thrilled that you’re joining me on this journey as I share what the Lord has taught me and is teaching me about living as a godly woman in the 21st century; what it looks like to be faithful and intentional in all aspects of life, from writing books to caring for little ones. God has a purpose and plan that goes far beyond what we can imagine, and I’m so excited and humbled He desires you and I to be apart of it.
Your friend,

I am very excited for you and this launch! I look forward to continuing to see how the Lord leads you as you write for His glory!
Thank you, Jeannie! I so appreciate that!