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The Story behind ‘Expectant’
Since the very beginning of my first pregnancy, God has been stirring in my heart the desire for something more than what is considered “normal” in pregnancy. Judah and I realized early on as we were looking for resources to help us walk through pregnancy to the glory of God that there were lots of worldly voices speaking into pregnancy and very few Christ-centered, gospel-focused ones (there is one book I would highly recommend on my Recommendations page under “Pregnancy/Baby Items”). One day shortly before I found out I was expecting our second, I was unburdening my heart to Judah about the longing I had to encourage women that as a Christ-follower there was a better, more beautiful way to walk through pregnancy, and at the end of my waterfall of words, Judah turned to me and said, “You should write a book.” My jaw dropped and said emphatically, “What? I can’t write a book!” Well… here I am five years later, and on the verge of publishing a book that seemed like an impossible feat. God has carried this project by His grace over the course of three more pregnancies as He’s walked me through many hills and valleys that come with carrying a child. And each time He has embedded these truths more deeply into my soul: that it’s possible to walk through it in a way that brought Him great glory; to display to all those I came in contact with that God is the Giver of life, and that He is also the Giver of everything we need to carry a new little life with joy, peace, and grace in every circumstance.
As I have labored (no pun intended) to put words onto paper, my desire has always been this: that each person who reads this book will catch a greater vision for honoring Christ in the season of pregnancy, and be greatly encouraged that as His children, we have been given all we need to do so.
This book was by no means a solo effort. I’m so blessed to be surrounded by other women who have also walked through pregnancy with the desire to honor the Lord, and have asked a few of them to share part of their stories of walking through pregnancy at the end of each chapter. Some of them have had two children, others have had 8 (or 9), but all of them can beautifully testify to God’s goodness and faithfulness as they have allowed God to use their seasons of pregnancy for His glory. A few are very dear friends and peers of mine, and others are precious mentors in my life.
And, another thing I’m really excited about are the two “bonus” chapters at the end of the book on topics I have very little or no experience in: loss and infertility. I asked three people who have been an incredible example in each of these areas to write them instead. I pray that fathers, and those women who have walked through infertility and loss will be greatly blessed and encouraged, and it will help those who have not walked through these things to gain greater insight into supporting and loving those of us who have.

“Pregnancy is sanctifying. Every step of the way, God is doing a work in our hearts to make us more like Jesus and more dependent on Him! In Expectant, Heather gives mamas hopeful reminders to look to Jesus throughout each trimester and in birth. Writing from her own experience, Heather offers practical tips and encouragement to help women walk through pregnancy with the joy of Christ during those nine months of grace upon grace.“
– Gretchen Saffles
Founder of Well-Watered Women“Expectant is a one of a kind book. We love the way that Heather Cofer unpacks the topic of pregnancy and shows the reader how to embrace all the stages of pregnancy from a gospel centered perspective. What a gift for mothers-to-be and those that desire motherhood.”
– Kristen Clark and Bethany Beal
Cofounders of GirlDefined Ministries, authors of Sex, Purity, and the Longings of a Girl’s Heart.“What if pregnancy did more than change our bodies; what if it transformed our hearts? In a tone that feels like a warm conversation with a dear friend, Heather Cofer encourages us to see pregnancy as an opportunity to bring God glory. Let her words encourage you to worship the Life Giver as you prepare to welcome new life.”
– Erin Davis
Author, blogger, podcaster, and momma of four“In a world filled with lies about pregnancy and motherhood, Heather Cofer kindly and confidently points us back to the truth of Jesus. This book will help free you from the chains of socially acceptable self-focus, and provide a vision for how beautiful a Christ-centered pregnancy can be for God’s expectant daughters.”
– Naomi Vacaro
Founder of Wholehearted Quiet TimeWith great attention to Biblical truth, Heather encourages expecting moms to give their pregnancy to the Lord. She writes with an honesty that helps the reader to see herself in the pages, and her commitment to the Gospel is convicting and beautiful.
– Jessica Mathisen
Author of Already Chosen“Heather is the gentle and honest friend every pregnant woman needs. Heather’s biblical guidance and personal stories point the fearful, anxious and tired mom to the sufficiency of Christ. Pregnant moms who long to honor God will walk away from this book feeling refreshed and equipped to face pregnancy with joy and hope.”
– Lauren Washer
Writer“Heather’s book is written with such authenticity and realness, and yet, instead using that as allowance to settle for mediocrity, is a desire to rise above, to rest in the arms of the One who is the Strength and Comfort during the both beautiful and challenging season of pregnancy. Being through five pregnancies myself, I know that her words are not just naive idealism; but rather a beautiful call to join hands together, a gentle beckoning to rise from self-absorption, and instead, to look to Jesus always. There is Beauty to be found even in difficult circumstances, not necessarily in the circumstances themselves but in the One who is bigger than the challenges, and is a Safe Place in and through them. This book will encourage the hearts of many women as they seek to strengthen themselves in the Lord through one of the most special seasons of their lives; the anticipation of the birth of their child.”
– Clarita Yoder
Blogger, momma of four“I’ve laughed and I’ve cried, both signs to me of a good book! And maybe a few pregnancy hormones.”