If you’re looking for a practical, relatable, encouraging, Gospel-centric resource on motherhood, this is your book.
My first reaction when I looked at the table of contents was surprise when I realized just how many topics associated with motherhood were covered in a relatively short book. But as I began to read, I was amazed at the way Laura and and Emily were able to draw you into the topic, then address each one with the gospel in such a beautiful yet succinct way.
I also loved that they address certain subjects – like postpartum body image or children with differences – that aren’t often addressed in “general” motherhood books. Even for those of us who may not relate directly to a specific topic, it is so helpful to understand how to love and encourage other moms who may be walking through those things.
Here are a few of my favorite quotes.
In the short term, we are far too easily motivated by the promise of a Netflix binge, the sweet treat in the pantry, or the upcoming girls’ trip. But none of those things will last beyond a moment, and they don’t cure the problems deep within us. We cannot will ourselves into finding joy in motherhood because we cannot will ourselves into the obedience or love God requires of us. If we’re to find true, lasting joy in our motherhood journey, what we need is the work of Jesus Christ. (pg. 16)
Mom, because we’re united to [Christ], our identity is extraordinary and our calling is magnificent. Remember, we’re part of an epic story headed for a glorious ending. We’re really not that special, but Christ in us is spectacular. He’s our hope for glory. (pg. 84)
Where are your eyes resting, Mama? On your ill-fitting sweatpants? On your friend’s tighter tummy? On your Instagram feed? On the new top you think will finally cover your postpartum stomach? On your hope in your ability to make it to the gym every day this week? Or are your eyes resting on God’s faithfulness to you in Christ and your participation in the wonderful call to make disciples of those in your life, especially your children? Turn your eyes upon Jesus. Your rolls might not go away, but your preoccupation with yourself just might. (pg 104)
We don’t have to elevate our handbook for motherhood as the best way when we can acknowledge God’s way is the only way–a road we can all walk only with humility through the person and work of Jesus Christ. (pg. 128)
The needs both inside and outside our home are truly great, but the gospel bids us lift our eyes to a greater view than picking just one or the other. Like Jesus charged the disciples, we must keep our lamps burning until his return. We’re not called to turn off our lamp when we have children. Nor are we to turn it on only when we leave the house. We’re to keep our fire and teach our children how to burn. (pg 153)
Hope you enjoy this truly refreshing book as much as I did!
Your friend,

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