I was “amen-ing” this book from the moment I started reading it. Kristen and Bethany do such a wonderful job of addressing some tough-to-handle topics in regards to sexuality, and then bring the reader back over and over to what brings true freedom and joy: looking to Jesus and allowing Him to teach us His beautiful design for sexuality.
As Christians, I believe it’s so important to have Christ-centered conversations about this often shied-away-from subject, and this book opens the way for that in a bold yet tasteful way. I would encourage moms to read it, too, especially those with young teenage daughters, and maybe even go through it together (my mom and I did that with several books when I was in high school, and it was such a good way to open up avenues of discipleship and relationship).
The authors are sisters and the founders of Girl Defined, a ministry that is so purposeful in pointing young women to the Lord. I would highly recommend checking them out!
Your friend,

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